The success of a good online marketing strategy
Our professional team analyzes and prepares, in every case, a tailor made proposal on the strategy to follow based on the pretensions, objectives and possibilities of each client. From Gestinet we carry out the counseling and consultancy on the online marketing strategies . Each client, case, and sector needs a specific online marketing tailor made strategy, looking at the most appropriate channels and resources in each case.
From Gestinet, we approach these strategies of each client in a global and adapted way to the objectives and needs mentioned by the client, using all those tools that can provide value, benefit, and optimum results to the strategy designed through all the necessary channels in force: social networks, sectorial websites, themed websites, SEO/SEM (Web positioning, Google positioning), online sponsorship, client’s own website, etc…
In addition, our professional team develops and designs online marketing campaigns focused on each strategy and client, creating tailor-made advertising campaigns, performing the Community Manager service, generating articles, banners, slogans, rich content, etc…
In most cases, the strategic goal of an online marketing campaign after designing it, is to publish and pump it through all the online channels, along with each client’s own resources, especially their own web page, thus we get that if you start a marketing campaign with the claim “2 × 1” (for example), all the online assets of this customer must show it in an unified way, giving it the right priority and personality, always aiming to achieve the maximum optimal results.
As well as having an optimal Computer maintenance service and a powerful Web design, it’s vital to any company today a good Online Marketing strategy. It’s part of something vital and necessary for its survival; capture new potential clients and have a presence and relevance on the internet.
The power to unify channels and resources in an online marketing campaign
From Gestinet, we suggest you to unify and take advantage of all the resources and online channels of each client (own web page, social networks, newsletters, etc.) and make a tailor-made design in each online marketing campaign. An argument and claim is quite interesting for its users, looking for the impact that is as graphic as in its content in order to convert and attract the attention of each user that accesses it (and so end up buying the service / product proposed in the campaign).
The importance of creating online marketing customized campaigns based on each customer, sector, and target of their users
Our professional team analyzes and manufactures tailor-made online marketing campaigns and targeted to the customer target analyzed, age, status, social layer, etc. … and if so, make a more direct and close treatment if the customer sector and its users allow it and/or create a more visual and aggressive marketing campaign if this brings more and better results. This, in each case, is analyzed, along with the strengths and weaknesses in order to design a plot and graph of each marketing campaign. In our case, at Gestinet, we have many years of experience in these services and we are an important reference in our sector.
Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions

Our Online Marketing articles

Community Manager: expert en accions de màrketing on-line
El màrketing, el qual busca promoure mitjançant la comunicació i la publicitat i servir amb els canals de distribució i atenció als usuaris, sempre ha tingut molta importància, Leer más

El marketing digital i la seva gran importància per a augmentar les vendes on-line
Amb la generalització de l’ús d’Internet, ja és habitual que les empreses disposin d’una pàgina web per a augmentar el seu abast i nombre de vendes. Però, per Leer más