The success of a “Pay per click” SEM Adwords and Social Ads strategy is in the conversion, making it profitable
At first instance, from Gestinet we do not recommend only carrying out online strategies that affect “Pay Per Click” platforms, such as Google Adwords and Social Ads, as they are campaigns that do not add more value other than the click received and paid, regardless of whether the click on sale/contact/new client becomes. From our point of view, it’s a positioning without merit and interest, and the users are becoming increasingly aware of this.
Quite the opposite happens with a Web design and/or a Web positioning strategy, because all the investment, dedicated resources, and efforts remain as patrimony for the client, which is a very important fact because of the value that it gives to the reputation and online influence.
That said, from Gestinet we recommend using an online pay-per-click strategies as a complement and support for a global strategy that includes other methodologies, platforms, and channels. An approach that we usually do is suggesting a powerful SEO strategy (especially Google positioning), accompanied by a SEM strategy controlled and adjusted to each client, this way you can achieve an intelligent balance over both methodologies and thus use and contemplate them all.
Our professional team has many years of experience in the management and consultancy of Marketing Online Pay-per-click strategies on Google Adwords and Social Ads such as Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Instagram Ads, and LinkedIn Ads. In each case and client, we evaluate which platform is the most appropriate and best adapts to the needs of the strategy designed to measure.
Google Adwords, the king of Pay-per-click
Since its creation, Google has been the first to innovate and develop its business model focused in this regard. Since then, it has always been the leader of the sector and the key has been that Google has also developed tools to do tracking and measuring the results by making it more reliable, efficient and manageable. With Google Adwords, you can have active “Pay-per-click” campaigns with targeted credit, with specific words and potential queries, to track and analyze your performance and profitability in real time. Not only you know how many and which users have clicked on the ad, but whether they have become a customer or not.
The interesting option of creating advertising campaigns on social networks
Our professional team analyzes and manufactures tailor-made online marketing campaigns, targeted in each case to the analyzed target customer: age, status, social layer, etc. and depending on this potential target customer, we recommend the activation of advertising campaigns on external platforms such as social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc… In this kind of social networks we only recommend investing in advertising if the customer’s product/service is intended for the end users (B2C) and not companies (B2B), since the target users of these networks are this, users. However, if the customer has services/products aimed at other companies (B2B) and/or professionals, we currently recommend using LinkedIn Ads.
Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions

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